• 职位名称:生产经理(一名)
  • 公司介绍
工作地点 : 江苏苏州 招聘期限 : 一个月(2020年3月4日起)
学    历 : 本科 工作经验 : 八年以上
年    龄 : 不限 性    别 : 不限
薪    资 : 8000元以上

Purpose of position

To be the leader of production team to ensure good quality products manufactured and delivered to customer on time and achieve all the key financial and operational targets.

Main Responsibility

1.Make sure the customer orders processed, manufactured and delivered on time and in time.

2.Manufacture more with less, use less, with less time. And drive production continuous improvement in pursing all the production KPI.

3.Ensure the proper in-process quality control at the RDC/FB and all the products are following the customer’s quality standard.

4.Enhance the housekeeping of shop floor, making sure the 5S, EHS, and operator behavior complying with the requirements of process and company’s regulations. And ensure all equipment is within specification and suitable condition.

5.Continuously provide support on new product introduction. Make quick and correct samples, and ensure responsiveness and flexibility. 

6.Ensure shop floor data captured, input and reported on time and accurately.

7.Control expenses and continuously drive down the operating cost, such as consumable material, manpower cost, make sure they are under budget.

8.Make and implement individual training plan, appraise the individual’s skills regularly to ensure their behavior complying with the requirements of process and company’s regulations, make sure their skills develop continuously.





丝艾产品标识(苏州)有限公司(CCL Design Suzhou)及丝艾标签标识(苏州)有限公司(原世誉产品标识(苏州)有限公司及世誉标签标识(苏州)有限公司位于风景优美的苏州工业园区,目前共有900多名优秀员工。公司因业务发展,欢迎有识之士加盟我们的团队,公司将提供良好的工作环境,和谐的工作氛围,适时的发展机遇以及具有竞争力的工资福利待遇!

丝艾产品标识(苏州)有限公司  新加坡工业园区兴浦路128号M幢

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