• 职位名称:物控员MC(一名)
  • 公司介绍
工作地点 : 广东东莞 招聘期限 : 二个月(2018年9月13日起)
学    历 : 高中/中专 工作经验 : 二年以上
年    龄 : 25-35岁 性    别 :
薪    资 : 4000-5000元






HuaMao headquarter is located in No.5 Dasheng road, Jinma Industry Park, Tianzhu Airport Economic Development zone, Beijing, which covers a 40 mu land and owns 30,000 square meters building. It is conveniently situated adjacent to Beijing Capital International Airport and Tianzhu Airport Economic Development Zone. HuaMao began from producing self-adhesive labeling , it later invested in die cutting division. In order to better serve the dynamic market trend, HuaMao began steadily expanding its expertise to developing die-cutting equipments and increasing our workshop’s automation capacity. In addition to HuaMao’s Die-Cutting Division, our Automation Division specializes in providing automation assembly and assemble solutions to further assist our clients in increasing production efficiency.
HuaMao emphasizes heavily on its human resources. We believe that human resource management as well as research & development are the two engines that drive HuaMao forward as an exceptional company. Therefore we provide top-quality environment and development platforms for our employees.
To serve and to satisfy our client’s needs are HuaMao’s top priority. In addition to the main research and development facility in our Beijing Headquarter, we localize our services and provide high-efficiency and high-quality services in manufacturing and administrative establishments throughout China, Taiwan, USA, and India.

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